
Friday, September 30, 2022

Sunday, October 2,2022 The Fourth Sunday of Creation


Hymn        Great is Thy Faithfulness #288

Scripture Lessons: Lamentations 1:1-6

                               Lamentations 3:19-26

                               Luke 17:5-10


Prayer: O Christ, you take upon yourself all our burdens so that freed of all that weighs us down, we can constantly begin anew to walk with lightened step, from worry towards trusting, from the shadows towards the clear flowing waters, from our own will towards the vision of the coming Kingdom. And then we know, though we had hardly dared hope it, that you offer to make every human being a reflection of your face. (a prayer from the Taize community.) 

Hymn      My Faith Looks Up to Thee #663

This Sunday is Worldwide Communion Sunday and Howick United Church will be celebrating this on Sunday at 11am with the celebration of the sacrament of the Lord’s Supper. St Paul’s United Church will be gathering for worship at 9:30 this Sunday but will not be celebrating Communion. 

Next Sunday will be Thanksgiving Sunday in all 3 of our congregations: 9:30 in Franklin, 11:00 in Ormstown and also 11:00 in Howick with Debbie Beattie. As is the tradition in Franklin and Ormstown, we will once again be collecting food for the food bank. Both seasonal produce and non-perishable food items would be greatly appreciated. 

The time has come to apply for Howden-Templeton bursaries, for students of college, university, or other training programs who are part of the Howick United Church community. The applications may be found online on the church’s website or can be requested from one of the committee members (Marlene Stuckey, Debbi Templeton, Scott Templeton, and Brent Tolhurst). The deadline for applications will be October 23, 2022 and the bursaries will be given out in the church service on November 6th. 

Please keep in mind Howick United Church’s fundraising concert to be held Saturday, October 15th at 7pm, in the Church. It will feature Fieldstone Reverie and also include Sammi Grace. Proceeds of the concert will be split between Howick United Church and I am Heshima. Tickets are now available at a cost of $20 from Mac Orr or Noah Tolhurst. 

Best wishes and congratulations to Laura Bustamante and Catherine Bray who were married in Howick United Church on Saturday, October 1st. 

Best wishes also to Kanawake United Church who are celebrating a new ministry shared with the Rev. Jan Jorgensen and Robert Ronwahaweta Patton. 

Thursday, September 22, 2022

Sunday, September 25, 2022 The Third Sunday of Creation


Hymn.        Immortal, Invisible #264

Scripture Lessons:       Jeremiah 32:1-3a, 6-15

                                     Psalm 91 p.808VU

                                     I Timothy 6:6-19

Hymn   Jesus Calls Us #562 (though I am not sure you are going to sing along to this one! )


Prayer:  Risen Jesus, when we forget you, it is we who are absent. 
But you remain present at all times, deep within us. 
Sometimes we start looking backwards,
And let ourselves be overrun by regret
Or the nostalgia of the recent or distant past. 
Holy Spirit, you who dwell in us always, 
Enable us to receive you with a trusting heart, in faith, 
So as to live quite simply in the present moment, 
Nothing more. Amen. (a prayer from the Taize community.)

Hymn.        Fight the Good Fight #674

This week’s services will be held at 9:30 in Franklin and 11:00 in Howick. Next Sunday will be 9:30 in Ormstown and 11:00 in Howick. Howick United Church will also be celebrating holy communion next Sunday. 

Next Friday September 30th will be Orange Shirt Day, a day to remember the indigenous children forced to attend residential schools and to commemorate those who died there. 

Please do keep in mind the fundraising concert featuring Fieldstone Reverie and with Sammi Grace, to be hold Saturday, October 15th at 7pm. Tickets will cost $20. Proceeds of the concert will be divided between Howick United Church and I am Heshima. 

Saturday, September 17, 2022

Sunday, September 18, 2022 The Third Sunday of Creation


Hymn      Standing in the Need of Prayer 

Scripture Lessons:      Jeremiah 8:18-9:1

                                    Psalm 79:1-9

                                    I Timothy 2:1-7

Hymn       There is a Balm in Gilead     #612


Prayer:  Look in your mercy, O God, upon the suffering of your world, and help those in trouble or distress, whether in mind or in body. And May our prayer not be made empty by our neglect but carry with our readiness to act as your servants; that the lonely and the sick, the anxious and the sorrowing whom we meet may find us eager to help for the sake of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. (a prayer by Roger Pickering published in Frank Colquhoun’s Contemporary Parish Prayers.)

Holy God, We give thanks for the great cloud of witnesses: people whose lives we honour and cherish, 
people  who have taught us to live as best we can;
We give thanks for the life of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, 
who is now gathered among the faithful who go before us. 

May you bless and keep all who love and who will miss Queen Elizabeth. 

We pray especially for the Royal Family, all who held her closely in their hearts, and all who will shepherd nations of people in the grieving process. 

May you bless and keep the Commonwealth, and all who wrestle with the complexities of the monarchy and what Queen Elizabeth represents. 

We pray especially for those who continue to unpack the legacies of colonialism as we work towards right relations and reconciliation. 

We bring all this to you, while giving thanks for the life of Queen Elizabeth, and while celebrating your sovereignty over our hearts. Amen. ( a prayer offered from the United Church on the occasion of Queen Elizabeth’s death.)

Hymn       What a Friend We Have in Jesus #664

We hold the family and friends of Barbara Story in our thoughts and prayers, following her sudden death this past week. 

St Paul’s Session will be meeting Tuesday, September 20th at 7:30pm in the hall. 

St Paul’s Stewards will be meeting Wednesday, September 21st at 7:30pm in the hall. 

Howick United Church will be holding a fundraising concert on Saturday, October 15th at 7pm in the church. The concert will feature Fieldstone Reverie with Sammi Grace as well. Tickets will cost $20 and should be available shortly. Proceeds of the concert will be split between Howick United Church and I am Heshima. Your support will be greatly appreciated. 

FYI: the federal government has announced that it will be matching donations for Pakistan Relief to organizations that are part of the Humanitarian Coalition, including Canadian Food Grains Bank, Oxfam, Save the Children, and others. The deadline for matching donations is September 28th. 

Friday, September 9, 2022

Sunday, September 11, 2022, The First Sunday of Creation

 I put this together before the news of the Queen’s death, but I think it still is appropriate for this week. 

Hymn        Joyful Joyful We Adore You  #232

Scripture Lessons:      I Timothy 1:12-18

                                    Psalm 23 p.749VU
                                    Luke 15:1-10


Prayer:  Life is great
Full of glad surprises; 
Life is tough—
Stony paths we’ve trod! 
What makes sense
Each day sun arises:

God holds back
Venturing matures us;
God steps in
Giving strength to cope: 
God’s wise live
Gives the whole creation

God transforms 
through the gifts we’re given;
Leagued with him
We make the world anew: 
Justice, love mark
A way of life that’s true. 

Roll up sleeves
Use each life entrusted,
Take sure hold
Of transforming power: 
Work with God
Venturing to meet this
Hour. ( a poem/prayer by Ian M. Fraser and printed in the Iona Community’s Acorns and Archangels.)

Hymn       Amazing Grace #266

This Sunday’s services will be 9:30 in Franklin, 11:00 in Ormstown and in Howick at 11:00 with Debbie Beattie. 

Good news! Howick United Church’s elevator is back in working order! So don’t let the stairs keep you home. 

Please keep in mind the OHO Quilt Show taking place next weekend, September 16th and 17th from 10-4:00 in the Ormstown Curling Club. Tickets to enter cost $5 and the profits go to local charities. Lots of beautiful quilts etc. to see and a tearoom for chatting and visiting. Hoping to see you there! 

Howick United Church is holding a fundraising concert with Fieldstone Reverie and featuring Sammi Grace as well. Tickets are $20 and will be available shortly. The concert will start at 7pm October 15th. Proceeds of the concert will be split between Howick United Church and I Am Heshima, and there will be some items offered for sale that night. 

Friday, September 2, 2022

Sunday, September 4, 2022 Labour Day Sunday


Hymn       Spirit of God Descend upon My Heart #378

Prayer:  O God, you call us to the potter’s house to see what we can see and learn. 
You call us to open our eyes, our ears, and our hearts and minds to all that you have to say to us this day. 
Help us to be ready to hear your Spirit’s call; to respond in faith and hope; to be led by your wisdom and grace; and to share the word you speak to us each day. 
Help us to rejoice in your promise to be with us always and to be our source of life and hope and joy, now and always. Amen. 

Scripture Lessons:       Jeremiah 18:1-11

                                     Psalm 139:1-6, 13-18 p.861VU

                                     Philemon 1-21

Hymn      Have Thine Own Way


Prayer:  O God, send us prophets in the Church today, as in the days of old, to make known your living truth in the power of the Holy Spirit. Give them a clear vision of your purpose for the life of the world; enable them to speak with boldness; and through their voice recall your people to simpler discipleship, to holier living, and to more dedicated service, ( or to deep spirituality, bold discipleship, and daring Justice, from the United Church’s current mission statement) for the glory and honour of your name. Amen. ( from Frank Colquhoun’s Contemporary Parish Prayers)

Hymn       Take My Life and Let it Be  #506

We have been saddened to hear of the death of Margot MacKinnon last weekend. Our thoughts and prayers are with her family and friends. No service is being planned. 

The planning meeting for our fundraising concert to be held Saturday, October 15th with Fieldstone Reverie will be held this week on Wednesday September 7th at 7pm in the church. 

Activities are starting up in the Region as well. There is a Young Adult Retreat September 14-16th at the Camp D’Action Biblique in Richmond QC and Youth Forum for teens and young adults being planned for November in Georgeville. If you would like more information please speak to Barbara or check the region’s website

We were saddened to hear of the death of Don Robinson of Lacolle this past week. We hold his family, including his sister Jean McClintock, and his friends in our thoughts and prayers. 

We also hold the family and friends of Geoff Miller in our thoughts and prayers, as the visitation and memorial service were held on Saturday. 

This week the World Council of Churches will be holding its 11th Assembly in Karlsruhe Germany. The United Church of Canada has sent a delegation, including our new Moderator, Carmen Lansdowne to take part. Reports about this assembly can be found on the United Church website and broadcasts of its worship and plenary sessions can be found on YouTube. 

Best wishes to all the teachers and students and staff who are returning to school. Hope that it is a good year with lots of learning and fun to share!