
Friday, March 27, 2020

Message for Sunday, March 29, 2020

Hymn    In the Bulb There Is a Flower   VU #703

Scripture Readings: 

Ezekiel 37:1 - 14
John 11

Hymn   As Comes the Breath of Spring   VU #373


Janet McCrory Achievement Awards - Persons in our church and Youth Leaders in our community are invited to submit applications to recognize children and youth living or participating in our Howick Community, that have contributed to the well-being of others. The selection committee at HUC will not submit applications, but others in our church family are encouraged to submit them. Recognize the children and youth that do good for others. For more information or to download the application form, visit the  Howick United Church website.

The Howick United Church Newsletter is available in the menu at the top of this page.


Friday, March 20, 2020

Message for Sunday, March 22, 2020

Gospel Reading: John 4: 1 - 41

Hymn  Amazing Grace VU 266

In loving memory of Murray Templeton
From the family.


The combined service in Franklin next Sunday, March 29, is cancelled.

Janet McCrory Achievement Awards - Persons in our church and Youth Leaders in our community are invited to submit applications to recognize children and youth living or participating in our Howick Community, that have contributed to the well-being of others. The selection committee at HUC will not submit applications, but others in our church family are encouraged to submit them. Recognize the children and youth that do good for others. 

Sunday, March 15, 2020

Message from Rev. Barbara Bryce

Sunday, March 15th, 2020
Third Sunday of Lent

Introit:  Nearer my God, to thee, nearer to thee! 
                E’en though it be a cross that raiseth me,
                Still all my song shall be, nearer my God to thee,
Nearer, my God to thee, nearer to thee! (#497v.1)

Call to Worship:  L:  Sometimes, O God, we come thirsting for your presence. 
P:  Be with us this day, O God. 
L:  Sometimes we come seeking your Spirit, O God. 
P:  Fill us and renew us this day, O God. 
L:  Let the worship that we offer, the prayers and the praise we raise up to you this day,
P:  Bring us nearer and closer to you, O God. 
L:  Now seeking God’s spirit and God’s presence,
P:  Let us worship our God together. 

Hymn                                   Come Let Us Sing                                             222

Prayer:  O God we confess that sometimes when we come to worship, we do not really expect to encounter or experience your presence.  We may not come prepared to hear the word you are speaking to us this day.  We may not be ready to be challenged and changed by your call and your grace.  Prepare us, O God, we pray, in heart and mind that we may be ready to worship you in spirit and in truth.  We pray in the name of our Saviour, Jesus the Christ.  Amen. 

                Welcome – Announcements – Sharing Time

The Word
Hymn                   I’ve Got Peace Like a River                          577

Scripture Lessons:                         Exodus 17:1-7
                                                                Psalm 95 p.814VU
                                                                Romans 5:1-11
                                                                John 4:5-42

Hymn                   I Heard the Voice of Jesus Say                    626


The Offering of our Gifts
Response:  We give you but your own, whate’er the gift may be;
                All that we have is thine alone, we give it thankfully. (#542)

Dedication Prayer

Minute for Mission

Prayers of the People and Prayer of our Saviour

Hymn                                   Guide Me O Thou Great Jehovah                               651

Benediction and Choral Amen


In loving memory of Doug and Lorne Templeton
From the family.