
Sunday, December 17, 2017

What's Happening

Announcements for Sunday, December 17th, 2017

Third Sunday of Advent

This evening in Franklin the Franklin congregation invites members of all 3 congregations to join them for a Candlelight Christmas Communion service at 7:30pm.  

Sunday December 24         Fourth Sunday in Advent and Christmas Eve, no morning service
                                                Christmas Eve services in Howick and Ormstown, 8pm
Bursaries presented in Howick
Sunday, December 31        Combined Carol service in Howick at 11am, fellowship time 10:30
Sunday, January 7             Epiphany Sunday, services begin in the hall in Ormstown and Howick

Once again the United Church is offering Gifts with Vision as a gift-giving alternative.  Someone hard to buy for, who doesn’t need anything more?  As a Christmas gift, a birthday or anniversary gift they are terrific!  Catalogues for 2017-8 are now available in our churches and also online at    

Did you know that the UCW is celebrating its 55th anniversary this year?  In its thank you letter the Philanthropy Unit offers its thanks for the work of the UCW in our congregations and points out that since 1962 the UCW has raised $134,497,151.00 for the Mission and Service Fund, besides the gifts that have been given to congregations and many other projects and charitable organizations.  Well done! 

Have you gotten your church calendar for 2018 already?  I think they are mostly gone, but there still might be one or two left.  You can speak to Anne Carpentier if you are interested.  Want to see one of our churches in the next calendar?  There is a call for photos for the next calendar to be printed for 2019.  The deadline for submission is December 30, 2017. If you have or want to take a photo to submit for inclusion, the entry forms for submission with specifications for the photos are available in each of our churches.  

YAYA (youth and young adults) is planning a visit to Winterlude in Ottawa this February. If you know of some young people who might be interested in attending and participating in this event, please let Barbara know and she will get the information for you.

Sunday, December 10, 2017

What's Happening

Announcements for Sunday, December 10th, 2017

Once again the United Church is offering Gifts with Vision as a gift-giving alternative.  Someone hard to buy for, who doesn’t need anything more?  As a Christmas gift, a birthday or anniversary gift they are terrific!  Catalogues for 2017-8 are now available in our churches and also online at    

Did you know that the UCW is celebrating its 55th anniversary this year?  In its thank you letter the Philanthropy Unit offers its thanks for the work of the UCW in our congregations and points out that since 1962 the UCW has raised $134,497,151.00 for the Mission and Service Fund, besides the gifts that have been given to congregations and many other projects and charitable organizations.  Well done!

 YAYA (youth and young adults) is planning a visit to Winterlude in Ottawa this February. If you know of some young people who might be interested in attending and participating in this event, please let Barbara know and she will get the information for you.

Church books for the Memorial Fund will be closing December 15th should anyone wish to make a contribution before year end. Please send or give to Grace Brown.  Thank you.

Sunday, December 3, 2017

What's Happening

Announcements for Sunday, December 3rd, 2017

Welcome to our church and to our service today. 

St Paul’s UCW invites members of St Paul’s and also Franklin and Howick to attend their Christmas dinner, Wednesday December 13th at noon in the hall in Ormstown.  The cost is $15.  If you would like to attend, please contact Jean McClintock (829-2190) or Jean Niles (829-2652) by this Wednesday, December 6th.  We will also be collecting cash donations for Auberge Madeleine in Montreal, and also gifts and personal items for the women’s shelter in Huntingdon. 

Next Sunday will be the deadline for applying for the Howden-Templeton bursaries.  Forms are available in the church or on the congregation’s website:  Bursaries will be presented at the Christmas Eve service. 

Next Sunday will be White Gift Sunday in all of our congregations.  We will be collecting non-perishable food items as well as angel gifts in Franklin and Ormstown.  These gifts should be wrapped and labelled for the age and gender it is intended for.  Angel labels are in both of these churches. 

The Madrigal choir will be holding its Christmas concerts on Friday December 8th at 8pm in St Luke’s Anglican Church in Hemmingford and Saturday, December 9th at 8pm in St Malachi’s Church in Ormstown.  The cost of tickets is $15 and donations to the local food bank in either kind or cash will be collected. 

Quebec Presbytery (Montreal region) is currently looking for someone with a computer background who could be trained to run our video-conferencing  meetings over the internet.  Meetings take place on Saturday (approximately 4-6 meetings per year) and equipment needs to be set up the day or evening before.  It offers a great experience in a field of technology that is constantly expanding.  A small honorarium is offered.  If you, a member of your family, or a friend you know worked in the field of computers and might be able to help us, please contact Paul Stansfield by email at paul.stansfield(at)

Church books for the Memorial Fund will be closing December 15th should anyone wish to make a contribution before year end. Please send or give to Grace Brown.  Thank you.

The Canadian Foodgrains Bank and Mission and Service Fund thanks you for your support in 2017.