
Friday, December 20, 2024

Sunday, December 22, 2024 The Fourth Sunday of Advent


Hymn       O Little Town of Bethlehem #64

Scripture Lessons:      Micah 5:2-5a

                                    Psalm 80:1-7 p.794VU pt 1

                                    Luke 1:39-47

Carol       Gentle Mary Laid Her Child #46VU


Prayer :  Come, God-with-us:  who braves our rejection and hurt, who holds us in acceptance and love.

Come, God-for-us:  who whispers in our ears that we- each of us- are beloved children. 

Come, God-under-us: who cradles us in arms that never grow weary; whose lap has room enough for all. 

Come, God-over-us: who watches in the long silence of the night, that we might rest in peace. 

Come, God-beside-us: who steadies us when we falter, who lifts us up when we fall. 

Come, God-beside-us: who picks up all the faded dreams we drop along the way and patchworks them into hope. 

O Come, O Come, Immanuel: and we will rejoice for ever! ( a prayer written by Thom M. Shaman printed in the Iona Community’s Candles and Conifers.) 

Carol        Angels We Have Heard on High #38VU

This week there will be a morning service in Ormstown at 9:30 am on Sunday, December 22nd.  There will be a Family Christmas Candlelight service in Howick at 7pm, which will include Communion. There will be no Christmas Eve service in Howick, but there will be one in Ormstown, at St Paul’s at 7:30pm. 

There will also be a combined Christmas Sunday service at 11am in Howick on Sunday, December 29th, with coffee and cookies etc. beginning at 10:30 am. All are welcome to come and sing carols and celebrate Jesus’s birth once again. 

Please note that Wilene has let us know that the financial books for the church will be closing at noon on Monday, December 30th, so if you wish to make a donation, please get it in by then. (Also, if you wish to receive envelopes, please let her know that.) 

Grace Brown has also let us know that the books for the Memorial Fund will close on Friday, December 27th, so if you wish to make a memorial gift for this year, please get it to her by that date. 

Friday, December 13, 2024

Sunday, December 15, 2024 The Third Sunday of Advent


Hymn      Joy to the World #59VU

Scripture Lessons:       Zephaniah 3:14-21

                                     Isaiah 12:2-6

                                     Philippians 4:4-7


Prayer: O God, at this time of Advent, fire our imaginations with the sweep of your salvation. 

Catch us up in the cause of your kingdom, already breaking into this world in our ransomed lives yet waiting for its final fulfillment when Christ shall come again.

And let your Spirit, wild as the wind, gentle as the dove. Move within us and among us, to inspire our worship and strengthen our faith and send us out with anticipation and joy. Amen. (a prayer written by John Harvey and printed in the Iona Community’s Candles and Conifers, adapted.)

Hymn      Go tell it on the Mountain #43VU

This Sunday’s services will be 9:30 in Howick (followed by coffee, juice, and cookies made as a craft by the children at church) and 11:00 in Ormstown, which will be a Communion Sunday. 

Many thanks to all who brought food last Sunday for the White Gift service. It was greatly appreciated. If there are others who would like to donate, I would be happy to receive them, either at the church or at home. 

We hold the family and friends of Betty Stevenson in our thoughts and prayers, following the service giving thanks for her life on Saturday morning at the Village Church. 

We hold the family and friends of Dwight Cullen in our thoughts and prayers, following his memorial service this Saturday in Georgetown Presbyterian Church. 

Wilene Cullen would like to let people know that if you wish to receive envelopes for 2025, please contact her to request them. Also, she will be closing the financial books for the church on December 30th at noon. If you wish to make a donation, please make it by that time. 

The books for the memorial fund in Howick will close December 27th as well. Please get any donations to Grace by that date. 

Did you know that the Moderator of the United Church has posted Advent and Christmas messages on the UCC’s YouTube channel? (They can also be found on Facebook and the UCC’s website as well.) Check them out! 

A Winter Solstice Gathering for people who are not feeling especially jolly this year will be held on Saturday, December 21st at 3pm in the Community (formerly the United Church) Hall. This will include music, silence, poetry, and candlelighting. 

Worship Schedule
Sunday, December 22 9:30am.       Carol Service in Ormstown (no morning service in Howick) 
              December 22 7:30pm.       Family Candlelight Service with Communion in Howick
Tuesday, December 24 7:30pm.      Christmas Eve Service in Ormstown ( no Christmas Eve service in Howick)
Sunday, December 29 11:00am.      Combined Christmas Sunday service, coffee etc. at 10:30am

Saturday, December 7, 2024

Sunday, December 8, 2024 The Second Sunday of Advent

 This Sunday is White Gift Sunday in our congregations. We are collecting non-perishable food items for the Christmas baskets and the local food bank. 

Hymn      Hark the Glad Sound #29VU

Scripture Lessons:      Philippians 1:3-11

                                    Luke 1:68-79 p.900VU

                                    Luke 3:1-6


Prayer :  O God, enlarge my heart that it may be big enough to receive the greatness of your love. 
Stretch my heart that it may take into all those who with me around the world believe in Jesus. 
Stretch it that it may take into it all those who do not know him, but who are my responsibility because I know him. 
And stretch it that it may take in all those who are not lovely in my eyes, and whose hands I do not want to touch; 
Through Jesus my saviour. Amen. ( a prayer of an African Christian from With All God’s People, a World Council of Churches resource.) 

Hymn.       Hark the Herald Angels Sing #48VU

This Sunday’s services will be Howick at 9:30 and 11:00 in Ormstown. It will be the White Gift service in both congregations, when we collect non-perishable food items for the Christmas baskets and the local food bank. 

We hold in our thoughts and prayers the family of Dwight Cullen who died recently and whose memorial service will be held on Saturday, December 14th in Georgetown Presbyterian Church. 

The organizers of the Ladies’ Christmas Dinner would like to sat “Thank you” for all of the items brought in for Residence-Elle. It was a very generous amount of donations that are very much appreciated by the organization. 

Howick UCW will be holding its Christmas Potluck on Wednesday, December 11th at 6:30 in the church. Please let Marlene know what you are planning on bringing (appetizer, main dish, salad, or dessert) so we can have enough for all. 

Next Sunday the services will be 9:30 in Howick and 11:00 in Ormstown. In Ormstown this will also be a Communion Sunday. In Howick we will continue to offer craft activities for young people. 

There will be a Winter Solstice gathering held in Hemmingford at the Community Hall at 476 Frontiere, that will include music, poems, silence and candlelighting on Saturday, December 21st at 3pm. This is intended particularly for people who may not be feeling jolly this Christmas. 

On Sunday, December 22nd there will be no morning service in Howick. Instead there will be a Family Candlelight service held that evening at 7pm. 

There will be a Christmas Eve service held in Ormstown at 7:30pm. 

There will also be a combined Christmas Sunday service held on December 29th at 11:00 in Howick. Coffee and cookies etc. Will be available from 10:30. 

Saturday, November 30, 2024

Sunday, December 1, 2024 The First Sunday of Advent

 This Sunday is also World AIDS Day. We hold those who have been living with AIDS in our thoughts and prayers. We give thanks for the work of scientists and medical workers who have changed and saved lives. 

Hymn.      Come Thou Long-Expected Jesus

Scripture Lessons:       Jeremiah 33:14-16

                                     Psalm 25 p. 752VU

                                     I Thessalonians 3:9-13


Prayers:   O come, o come Emmanuel, 
   To the empty-handed and the heavy-hearted, to the despairing and the despised. 
Enter this world, 
   Giving love to the lowly and hope to the downcast. 
Dwell among us, and teach us your ways, 
   Saving the lost and strengthening the weak. 
Be made the incarnate within us, 
   That we might cast away fear and live boldly by faith. 
With gratitude that you come to be with us, we worship joyfully this day. (from the United Church’s worship resource, Celebrate God’s Presence) 

Hymn.      O Come O Come Emmanuel

This Sunday is the first Sunday of Advent. There will be craft activities in both congregations. The services will be 9:30 in Ormstown and 11:00 in Howick. Today is also the deadline for applying for a bursary from Howick United Church for Howick postsecondary students. 

St Paul’s Stewards will meet in the hall on Tuesday, December 3rd at 7:45pm. We will be setting up the tables for the Ladies’ Christmas dinner as well as holding our monthly meeting. 

The Ladies’ Christmas Dinner will be held on Wednesday, December 4th beginning at 11:30 in the hall. We will be collecting items for residents of Residence-Elle. 

Next Sunday December 8th will be White Gift Sunday in both our churches. We will be collecting non-perishable food items for local Christmas baskets and for La Bouffe in the new year. In Ormstown, items from the Mitten Tree will also be delivered following this service. 

Next Sunday will be Communion Sunday in Ormstown. This will be an 11:00 service. 

For Howick, we are combining the Sunday December 22nd with our Christmas Eve service in a family Candlelight Christmas Communion service at 7pm on Sunday December 22nd at 7pm. There will be no morning service on December 22nd or Christmas Eve service on the 24th. There will be a Christmas Eve service in Ormstown at 7:30pm. Please let us know whether you would like us to do this another year. 

We hold Klaasje Ness in our thoughts and prayers following the death of her brother last month. 

Saturday, November 23, 2024

Sunday, November 24, 2024 Reign of Christ Sunday


Hymn      Come Now Almighty King #314 VU

Scripture Lessons: Revelation 1:4b-8

                               Psalm  138 p.860VU

                               John 18:33-37


Prayer:  Christ our Brother, Christ our Beginning, Christ our End. 

Known in Jesus, Word made flesh; known as Logos, Hidden Wholeness; Pattern within the Chaos; Wisdom, calling from city streets for justice and compassion. 

Christ beyond all names, Deepest Mystery, Depth of Our Own Being, awaken us, enfold us, impel us to realize the dream that is ours to birth. Amen. (a prayer by Bruce Sanguin printed in If Darwin Prayed. Reformatted for the blog.) 

Hymn        Rejoice the Lord is King #213V U

This Sunday’s services will be 9:30 in Ormstown and 11:00 in Howick. In Howick we will be following the 11:00 service with a soup luncheon. Please plan on joining us if you can. We will continue to make Christmas crafts in Howick as well. 

We continue to hold in our thoughts and prayers the family of Marina Templeton following her mother’s death and memorial service held on Saturday. 

This Sunday November 24th is the deadline for signing up to attend Ormstown’s Ladies’ Christmas Dinner to be held on Wednesday, December 4th at 11:30 in the hall at a cost of $23. To reserve a meal please call Lynn Bryson or Shirley Vandor or Wendy Dennison by November 24th. We will also be collecting items or donations to Residence-Elle at the dinner. 

For those who would like to have envelopes for Howick United Church, please contact Wilene Cullen. 

The Mitten Trees are up in both churches now (though in Ormstown, they are actually baskets). Mittens, gloves, hats and scarves would be gratefully received. In Ormstown we will be sending them off after the White Gift service on December 8th, so please drop them off soon. 

Next Sunday December 1st there will be craft activities during the 9:30 service in Ormstown. All welcome. 

We hold in our thoughts and prayers the family and friends of Betty Stevenson. For a long time she was the pianist for Franklin’s services. 

A new newsletter has been printed. It is available in the churches or Barbara can send you a copy. 

Saturday, November 16, 2024

Sunday, November 17, 2024 Children’s Sabbath


Hymn       Take Time To Be Holy #672VU

Scripture Lessons:       I Samuel 2:1-10

                                     Psalm 127 p. 851VU

                                     Hebrews 10:11-14, 19-25


Prayer:  Saviour, teach me, day by day, love’s sweet lesson— to obey;
Sweeter lesson cannot be, loving God who first loved me. 

With a child’s glad heart of love at thy bidding may I move, 
Prompt to serve and follow thee, loving God who first loved me. 

Teach me thus thy steps to trace, strong to follow in thy grace, 
Learning how to love from thee, loving God who first loved me. 

Love in loving finds employ, in obedience all her joy; 
Ever knew that joy will be, loving God who first loved me. 

Thus May I rejoice to show that I feel the love I owe; 
Singing, till thy face I see, of the one who first loved me.
( hymn by Jane Eliza Leeson, those who sing pray twice!)

Hymn        Blest be the Tie that Binds #602VU

This Sunday’s services will be 9:30 in Howick and 11:00 in Howick. This will be a craft activity Sunday in Howick, making decorations for the church for Advent and Christmas. 

Next Sunday we will be bringing our campaign for the Canadian Food Grains Bank to an end. In Howick we are planning a Soup Lunch following the 11:00 service. 

Barbara is planning to produce a (paper) newsletter next week. If you have news to share, please let Barbara know by Thursday, November 21st. 

Please keep in mind the Rudolph Run that will be held on Saturday, November 30th from 9:00-11:00 beginning from the Rec Centre in Ormstown. You can walk or run do courses of 1, 2, 5, 10km. A minimum donation of $5 is requested. The proceeds go to local food banks for Christmas baskets. 

St Paul’s is once again holding a Ladies’ Christmas Dinner, on Wednesday, December 4th at 11:30 in the hall. The cost is $23 and the deadline for reserving a meal is Sunday, November 24th. All welcome. We will also be collecting items for Residence-Elle. To reserve a meal, please call Lynn Bryson, Wendy Denison, or Shirley Vandor. 

Friday, November 8, 2024

Sunday, November 10, 2024 Remembrance Sunday


Hymn       O God our Help in Ages Past #806VU

Scripture Lessons:      Ruth 3:1-5, 4:13-17

                                   Psalm 127 p.851VU

                                    Mark 12:38-44


Prayer:  O God, whose heart is broken by the violence in the human race, forgive us that we have lacked the imagination and collective will to create a war less world. 

Forgive us for breaking faith with those who gave their lives, for the unconscionable gap between the rich and poor, for corruption and deceit in high places, for the profit gained by the sale of weapons, for the spirit of domination in our world leaders, for learning so little from the deaths of 100 million in the past century. 

In you alone is our hope; in your power, which can purify the human heart and set our feet upon the path of peace, do we trust. You can do great things in willing hearts. Break, then, our hardened hearts. Break them with grief, with memory, and with hope. In the name of the Prince of Peace. Amen. ( a prayer by Bruce Sanguin printed in If Darwin Prayed.) 

Hymn      God of Grace and God of Glory #686

This Sunday’s services will be 9:30 in Howick and 11:00 in Ormstown. Both will be Remembrance Sunday services. In Howick we are welcoming members of the Georgetown Church and members of the local Guiding and possibly Scouting groups as well.

The Session of Howick United Church will meet on Tuesday, November 12th at 7pm in the church hall. 

St Paul’s Session will meet on Wednesday, November 13th at 7:30pm in the hall. 

The Trustees of Howick United Church are inviting applications from students in post-secondary educational programs from the Howick congregation. Applications are available at the church or on the congregational website. The deadline will be December 1, 2024 and the bursaries will be presented later in the month of December. 

Next Sunday November 17th, will be a craft activity day in Howick, during its 9:30 service. We will be making Christmas decorations to decorate either our church or our homes. 

We are planning to hold a Soup Luncheon on Sunday, November 24th following the 11:00 service in Howick. This will bring our campaign for the Canadian Food Grains Bank to an end, though envelopes for donations may still be available. 

A new (paper) newsletter will be produced later this month. Please let Barbara know if you have items to be included. 

St Paul’s will be holding a Christmas Dinner on Wednesday, December 4th beginning at 11:30am, in the church hall. The cost will be $23.00. If you wish to attend, please reserve a meal by calling either Shirley Vandor at 450-829-2518 or Lynn Bryson at 450-829-3011 or Wendy Denison at 450-829-3419.